Spreading light and happiness...

I have a little ritual of picking up new diyas every Diwali. 
A pair of whatever catches my fancy. 
So when I saw these ceramic sunflower diyas flooding the markets in Bangalore last year, I bought a few.
They sat snug in one of the cartons that transported them to Minnesota, until I rediscovered them and decided to do something with them. So that forms the first part of the story.

During our various travels across India, we also have a quirky ritual of checking out hardware stores in small towns. 
Yes, hardware stores:-)
For ceramic tiles. The local hardware store will always have some interesting local, folk, cultural design  representative of the state or region.
So during our last trip to Kutch, Gujarat. We picked up few tiles in Bhuj.
 Some pretty peacock motifs on tiles.

Shubh-Labh written in Gujarati, Devnagari script.  Shubh- Labh along with Swastika symbol denotes auspiciousness, profit and prosperity. 
So it just felt so appropriate to use it for my Diwali decoration.

Some fresh Chrysanthemums snipped from my birthday bouquet. Some lovely cylindrical candles.

The real and the ceramic flower combination works well for me:-) 

Pulled out a cane placemat that seemed to compliment the browns of the ceramic diyas, played around with the composition.

The peacocks seemed very happy to be in the company of fresh flowers and candles. 

These would make an interesting setting on a table where you plan to entertain guests during Diwali or at the entrance to usher your guests in.

So let your creativity flow, spread loads of happiness and light this Diwali season!

Wishing all of you a very Happy, Prosperous & Safe Diwali.

(Images and Styling by Arch)

Check out the complete compilation of Diwali Decorating Ideas & Inspiration on 
Rang Decor Facebook Page.
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